Maureen Anderson
has been intensively immersed in the world of Natural Horsemanship since 2016. Her journey with horses began as a five year old, riding english eventing horses through her teens and gaining knowledge and experience in that world. However - something was missing in the relationship with her horses, and after being seriously injured in the jumping ring, was determined to ride again - but this time, wanted to figure out that missing link. Thanks to her 2016 apprenticeship with Dave Ellis and Jody Grimm in Porterville, California, an entirely different world has opened up - one that aligned with her values, her artistic tendencies, and her desire to truly connect with her horses as their friend and leader. She uses this knowledge to start young horses and mules and to prepare animals for a life working with YHM on the trail. Her priorities in training are confidence building, communication, and calm responsiveness.
She has continued working with local trainers and attending clinics and lessons, as well as studying the vast amount of content created by the masters of the industry, because she knows the journey of mastering the art of horsemanship is never over. Maureen values the opinion of the horse above all else, learning the majority of her knowledge through hands on experience starting colts, working through problem horses, and teaching her wonderful human students who are searching for that connection that she finds so valuable. Maureen has helpful insight for riders and horses of all levels, so if you're struggling with your relationship with your horse, want to start your horsemanship journey, or anywhere in between, reach out!
Yellowstone Horse and Mule prioritizes education for the Everyday Horse and Rider - For anyone looking to find a harmonious relationship with their horse, build trust, and grow, setting up success in the arena or out on Montana's beautiful trails.
Currently offering lessons and problem solving help to the Absarokee and Red Lodge areas - $50/hr + Travel